
The latest and greatest project for DPD is “Tile”

Tile is a square-tile based photo-mosaic app. The homepage will have an extremely wide view of the canvas area, so wide that an individual image will only take up one solitary pixel.  Clicking on the wide view causes the screen to zoom to a reasonable viewing distance.

Users will be able to upload new photos, and reorder existing ones. This will be somewhat of a self-organizing site in the sense that we won’t be able to tell exactly what it will look like at any given time. Below is a half-working example of the re-ordering interaction.

I have newfound appreciation for the algorithms that must take place during a disk defragmentation.

1 Comment »

  1. Jafet said,

    January 2, 2013 @ 7:57 am

    I’m 15 and I wish my mom could see this. We can go from a normal ctnservaoion into a fight at anytime, but sometimes it is a set up. She is just so controlling and \my way is the right way no matter what.\ When we argue she ask me questions but they are sarcastic and I know that she isn’t even listening to my answer, she is just going to turn it around on me and try to make me seem like I’m out to displease her. And I have Perfectionism, so I see her as an authority figure and when I displease her I can’t help but feel like I’ve been beat. She tells me that all I should say is \Yes Ma’am.\ And I hate doing that because I feel like I have no control or say over MY own life. It drives me crazy that she won’t just listen for two seconds and consider what I say without getting mad and turning it on me.

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